Installation of pavers
Installation of paving slabs, natural stone, curbs with a guarantee

If you are faced with the task of improving the area around a country house or cottage, the installation of pavers or paving slabs will solve the problem perfectly. Its use not only guarantees you a smooth running surface, but also allows you to create an interesting and unique coating pattern through the use of tiles of different colors. Let’s consider what material is better to use and how much it costs to install pavers in Tallinn.
Coating selection
First of all, it should be noted that installing parquet stone or paving stones is much more practicable than asphalt flooring, because in case of damage to the tiled coating, you can replace the elements without affecting the appearance, while patching of the asphalt looks ugly and will most likely stand out on the relief of the site.
When choosing between paving stones and paving slabs, remember that natural stone is more durable, and artificial slabs are smoother and easier to lay down. But there are also products that combine the advantages of both types of material.
Installation of concrete block “Unikivi”
Concrete block “Unikivi” combines the durability of pavers and the smooth surface of the tile. It is easy to install, but requires some skills. Before installation, measurements of the site are carried out. The preparatory stage follows: the selected area is concreted or covered with gravel. To work with the material, special tools are required that will not damage the stone, therefore it is better to contact specialists who know how to install paving slabs and curb stones.
Price for installing paving stones in Tallinn

Torudeabi24 company provides a full range of services for installing parquet stone. Our managers will help you make a detailed estimate and fully determine the costs. When evaluating the work done, such parameters are considered as following:
• The necessity for complex land preparation;
• Area size;
• Selected material.
Our experts lay the coating using modern equipment in full accordance with the technology. Their many years of experience in this field allows us to guarantee professional performance of work at every stage by supporting all our obligations with documents. We strive to be better for you, so we offer reasonable prices, as well as high-quality customer service.
The minimum price for the call is 45eur/h- this price is per first hour of work.
Hourly price is implemented for the work of one person
We accept only cash payment!
Low volume works are paid according to hourly price (45eur)
VAT is added to the hourly price
In case of high voolume works the price is determined by agreement.
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