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Sewerage video inspection

A competent video inspection of sewage is an integral process of the pipeline diagnostics stage. The specialists of the “TorudeAbi” company approach this task highly professional and qualified. By quickly identifying a blockage site, they will recommend the best way to fix the problem. In addition, such a procedure is indispensable during construction, as it allows you to verify the tightness of butt joints and welds. The process uses the latest equipment, and the examination itself does not take much time.

видеоинспекция трубопровода фото

Video inspection of the pipeline - features and benefits

The advantages of the method are as follows:
• the degree of general pollution is determined;
• the depth at which the blockage occurred is detected;
• the information is received about all internal damage to the system;
• the position of the area to be repaired is identified.
This method is also ideal for maintenance work or when there is a suspicion of an existing blockage in order to avoid more serious consequences. This allows prevent more substantial costs with expensive repairs in the future.

Advantages of contacting TorudeAbi company

Having identified the problematic section of the pipe in a short time, our specialists will provide qualified plumbing assistance. Rich practical experience allows us to adequately cope with the problem of any complexity. Our priority is quality and reliability at the most affordable price. This allowed us to set a high standard in the market segment of plumbing services in Tallinn. Inspection of pipes by our forces is also a flexible pricing policy. Constant discounts and bonuses for regular customers - this is the factor that distinguishes us from our competitors. In doing so, we:
• diagnose pipes and eliminate blockages with a discount of up to 30%;
• leave for any address in apartments, private houses, offices;
• quickly process the application form and consult at all stages.

Having contacted our manager by phone, you will receive comprehensive information about the pipe diagnostic service, timely and inexpensively solving all the associated problems!

You can get acquainted with the prices for services here.